The eLearn Podcast

What Is Learning In The Flow Of Work And How Do I Do It With Ann Herrmann-Nehdi

Stephen Ladek, Principal eLearning Advocacy, Open LMS Season 3 Episode 27
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00:00 | 36:33

Hello everyone! My name is Ladek and my guest for today is Ann Herrmann-Nehdi, who is the Chief Thought Leader and Chair of Herrmann International. She is an Author, researcher and keynoter, whose work is specialized on the practical application of neuroscience and cognitive diversity to human and organization development and improvement.

Ann has several widely viewed TEDx talks and is the co-author of The Whole Brain Business Book, now in its second edition. Her current research includes workplace resilience and the brain, the future of work and the development of women leaders in the workplace. 

In this ‘very flowing’ conversation Ann and I talk about

00:00 › Start
02:27 › LITFOW—
The core concept of "Learning In The Flow Of Work" and its significance in today's quickly changing work environments
04:03 › INSTINCT—Ann illustrates the natural human instinct to seek instant solutions and learning opportunities in everyday life challenges
15:43 › ACTION—We shift the discussion to the applicability of learning in the flow of work across different teams and its customization to fit diverse learning needs
29:21 › CONTEMPLATION—We end our conversation contemplating the balance between immediate, on-the-job learning and the necessity of taking time out for deeper, more immersive learning experiences, especially when considering significant pivots in one's career path.

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